ABORIGINAL Synonyms, Antonyms, And 10 Example Sentences

Hey! You are looking for the meaning of the word ABORIGINAL in English. You must have heard this word but do you know ABORIGINAL synonyms and antonyms, definition, and meaning? So let us tell you the definition of ABORIGINAL in this post, along with ABORIGINAL meaning in English, Synonyms & Antonyms, and Examples.

Let’s explore some interesting information about ABORIGINAL.

ABORIGINAL Definition & Meaning 

Meaning of ABORIGINAL: “Aboriginal” refers to the indigenous or native people, flora, or fauna of a specific region or country. It denotes the original inhabitants or earliest known inhabitants of an area, often associated with a specific culture, traditions, or heritage.

Synonyms of ABORIGINAL

Now let’s know about the ABORIGINAL synonyms:

  • Indigenous
  • Native
  • First Nations
  • Original
  • Autochthonous
  • Primitive
  • Traditional
  • Ancestral
  • Prehistoric
  • Inborn

Antonyms of ABORIGINAL

Now let’s know the ABORIGINAL antonyms :

  • Non-native
  • Foreign
  • Alien
  • Exotic
  • Immigrant
  • Colonial
  • Settler
  • Imported
  • Outsider
  • Non-indigenous

How To Use ABORIGINAL In A Sentence

10 Example Sentences of ABORIGINAL :

  1. The Aboriginal people have a deep spiritual connection to the land and its natural resources.
  2. The Aboriginal art exhibit showcased a diverse range of traditional and contemporary artwork.
  3. We learned about the rich cultural traditions of the Aboriginal community during our visit to the cultural center.
  4. The Aboriginal elders played a crucial role in passing down oral history and traditional knowledge to younger generations.
  5. The government has taken steps to recognize and protect the rights of Aboriginal peoples in recent years.
  6. The Aboriginal dance performance mesmerized the audience through grace, rhythm, and storytelling.
  7. The Aboriginal languages are a vital part of their cultural heritage and efforts are being made to revitalize and preserve them.
  8. The Aboriginal communities are actively involved in environmental conservation and land stewardship.
  9. The Aboriginal Dreamtime stories provide insights into the creation of the world and the significance of natural landmarks.
  10. The Aboriginal rights movement has been advocating for land rights, self-determination, and cultural preservation.


Today you have explored the ABORIGINAL definition & meaning. We hope that you liked this ABORIGINAL synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences in this dictionary website

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Aboriginal Definition in Popular English Dictionary.


Q: Who are the Aboriginal people?

A: The Aboriginal people are the indigenous inhabitants of Australia, and they have a deep connection to the land, culture, and history of the continent.

Q: What is the Dreamtime?

A: The Dreamtime, also known as the Dreaming, is a term used to describe the Aboriginal understanding of creation, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Q: What is Aboriginal art and its significance?

A: Aboriginal art encompasses a wide range of artistic expressions, including rock art, bark paintings, and contemporary works. It is deeply tied to Aboriginal culture, spirituality, and storytelling traditions.

Q: What is the significance of Aboriginal ceremonies?

A: Aboriginal ceremonies are important rituals that mark significant events such as initiations, coming-of-age, marriages, and honoring ancestors. They play a vital role in preserving cultural traditions and passing down knowledge.

Q: What are Aboriginal languages?

A: Aboriginal languages are the diverse languages spoken by different Aboriginal groups across Australia. They hold immense cultural and linguistic value, but unfortunately, many are endangered.

Q: What are the challenges faced by Aboriginal communities?

A: Aboriginal communities face various challenges, including social inequality, health disparities, land rights issues, cultural preservation, and the ongoing effects of colonization.
